Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

ngeselin lo!

Sekarang gw lagi di taksi, on the way ke kramat, mau persekutuan besar.

Dari rumah gw bareng abang gw, tapi gw diturunin di kampung melayu. Alasannya? Dia bilang karena gw minta dianternya cuma sampe kampung melayu tadi pas di rumah. Apa coba?! Padahal gw udah bilang lagi ke dia, gw minta anterin sampe ke kramat. Apa salahnya sih diterusin sampe kramat? Tinggal dikit lagi gitu! Ngeselin bangetttttttt, sampe ke puncaknya ubun2 nih gw keselnya!

Aneh, ngeselin, cuma bisa bikin marah, udah deh tuh pas banget ngegambarin lo bang.

Di sisi lain, persekutuan besar hari ini temanya adalah I LOVE MY FAMILY. Nyambung banget sama kejadian barusan, familynya doang. Isinya berkebalikan. Dilematis.

Selamat datang di rumah, Mayor Anthony Marpaung!

Semalem bang toni pulang ke rumah, dalam rangka liburan kenaikan tingkat. As I said at the title, he's now in the 3rd level. Kalo tingkat 3 nama pangkatnya mayor.

Wah udah masuk tahun ke-3 aja dia. Ga kerasa. Semoga cepet2 lulus deh. Dan semoga masuk penerbang. Semoga cepet nikah dan cepet punya anak. Loh loh salaaaaah wishes nya hahahaha orang masih umur 20.

Good luck. God bless.
Pagi gw hari ini dimulai dengan teriakan maha dahsyat yang menggelegar seantero rumah. Yak siapa lagi kalo bukan nyokap gw.

Nyokap : agneeeeeees banguuuuun!
Gw : (masih pura-pura mati)
Nyokap : agneeeeeeees!
Gw : iya (tapi masih merem dan selimutan)
Nyokap : (gedor2 pintu kamar) agnes bantuin mama masak sini, kamu tuh tiduuuuur aja sih!
Gw : (bergumam dalam hati) ha bantuin masak? Salah ngomong nih mama nih, bantuin makan kali
Nyokap : AGNES!!!
Gw : iyeeeee ini keluar kamar nih

Yak itulah sepenggal cerita pagi hari gw. Singkat cerita, gw disuruh nyokap bikin sop telor puyuh sama bakso. Untung bumbunya udah ada, gw tinggal masaknya doang. Kalo gw disuruh bikin bumbunya gila aja, bisa keracunan kali seisi rumah. Gw bisa dianggap mencelakai seisi rumah dan dituduh melakukan kejahatan rumah tangga. Hah sudah berhenti menghayal terlalu jauh.

Gw cuma kebagian peran motong2in bakso, ngupasin telor puyuh, didihin air trus cemplung2in deh tuh bahan satu satu. Ditambah sayur2an juga sih, pake wortel brokoli sama buncis. Ngok, buncis????

Gw : ma kok pake buncis sih? Ga matching lah!
Nyokap : ah udah biarin aja yg penting sayur

Lah kalo gt sekalian aja masukin bayem kangkung pete, sayur juga kan tuh hahaha nyokap gw memang gemar sekali bereksperimen. Ya ga jauh beda juga sam gw sihhhhh wekekeekke

Ah gw pengen nih bisa masak, tp bukan yg kayak pastry2 kue2 gitu. Maunya masak lauk2an. Tapi kapan ya bisanya? Apa tunggu nikah dulu gw baru belajar masak?

Haha dasar wanita2 jaman sekarang.

Udah ah pegel, catch me up later. Ciao!

Love, agnes :)

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

what's it called?

kay,i don't care talking here about this, toh the one i want to talk about here won't see this page huikikik ;p

so. ehm. crush.
*is it representative enough? lol*
(later i called him tally. hey don't laugh! haha :D)

a friend of my second brother there in jogja. i first saw tally in my house, introduced himself gently to me. amiable. a very tall one, more than 1.8 m maybe, taller than my brother. He is the 'penatarama'(as known as mayoret) there in Indonesian Air Force Academy. then i saw tally again in jogja few days ago in front of hkbp jogja. being in the same car with me and my family. a very brief introduction, huh?

he's just a crush, i guess, not more than it. but the first impression i got is, well, maybe charm is his nickname.

way back into blogging

Been a very very long time i'm not writing here, huh?
a friend of mine asked me to write here again few days ago. your wish is my command, then :) (eh gila udah lama ga nulis jadi kaku gini mau nulis apaan haha)

okay let's start with what's up with me in months ago.

well, i was busy, the very busy (geek) one preparing myself to face university entrance tests like 8 or 9 months ago.
ups, and downs. why with s? cause it happened many times, exactly after i did try out in inten. yeaaaa admit that i'm one of lebay yet sensitive person. sometimes i just can't handle my feelings, though actually it's not the end of something i wanna reach. sometimes i thought, 'ya ampun TO gw turun' or 'wiii TO gw naik lagi asik asik'. the first thought brought me to feeling like this : o God, what can i get with that kind of percentile? o please, 2 months more.... and the rest thought brought me to : ah thanks God...

admit that i cried a week before simak. well i never cried about this before, so that was the very first time. a very uneasy feeling, a feeling that said i wouldn't pass simak... a feeling that said my preparation is just not enough with what actually needed to face simak.. a feeling that asked what if i stuck when i get the simak booksheet.. what if i failed.. what if i disappoint my father, my mother, my brothers... what if my friends already got 'bangku' and i havent... what if i have to go to private college.. what if what if and what ifS. it literally brought me down. then i prayed, asked God to give me strength, faith and blessing. one thing i realized that time, God has been accompanying me for 17 years especially for these 9 months! i knew that He holds me like a sheep,He's my shepherd, i shouldn't be in want. so why should i afraid?
yea, sometimes i forgot that He will always guide me with His wholeness of love, like He did. sometimes fear defeat my faith.

minutes after it, i told my (best)friends about this, and they calmed me down.

the point is, 'till i passed simak, well it was just try out! it's not the real test, jadi kenapa juga ya sebenernya gw pake takut banget berlebihan kayak gitu ngeliat TO gw kalo turun? hahaha i just can laugh now, remembering how naive was i.

and theeeeeeen thanks be to God! May 8th is one of historical date to me. pengumuman simak boooook. i accepted at dentistry in university of indonesia. whooooaaaaa it was just like a dream come true! a really mean it.
from the very beginning, to me, medical or dentistry ya sama aja lah buat gw. yang penting ga ada fisika2nya. ya ada sih, tapi dikiiit hehe. can't imagine what if i have to study engineering for 4 years and apply it as long as i live, oh crapppppppp!

my family was just okay to know that i'm in dentistry. well though my mom and my bro sometimes asked me to try again in umb for medical. and i kept saying, "this is my dream, dentistry. i already said, to me, dentistry ya sama aja sam medical. i'm happy with it." and finally they stopped asking me. well thank you mom and bro ;)

pheeeew i've been talking tooo much i guess, haha.
catch me up, later!

love, agnes ;)